Yatra Details With respected Acharyaji blessings, a very unique blessed Khagola Yatra (Bhoomandala pradakshana) from August 17, 2024, to September 17, 2024. Please visit Khagola Yatra for enrollment and further additional details..

June Monthly Pooja 2024-TBD

Respected Acharyaji to bless all
Devotees that were part of 108 DD Yatra back in 2016 AND devotees that had performed Kalyanams so far during 1008 Kalayana Yatra by including their names and Gothrams in monthly prayers. (Monthly prayers was started back in Sep 2017)

This is a blessed opportunity to all devotees to offer their divine prayers to the Lord Sri Sita Rama parivaram.

Devotees can visit "Lord's Darshanam" from home page footer to view previous events and current LIVE events.

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