Yatra Details Khagolayatra Yatra - Join us for the Blessed Khagola Aarthi & Jaala Abhishekam in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Thursday, September 12, 2024.

Virtual Pooja/Event Enrollment


Since July 2020, respected Sri Archakam Padmanabha Acharyaji has been blessing opportunities for devotees to perform several festivals/poojas virtually via ZOOM.

Devotees interested to be part of the upcoming events listed below can use the forms below to either enroll or perform archana.

Event Day and Date Time
Sri Rama Navami Grand Event to be celebrated on Wednesday April 17th 2024
ONLINE ARCHANA (ASHTOTHARAM): Devotees may provide Name, Gothram to be part of Archana by visiting Donation page and selecting the option Festivals Archana. There is no ZOOM call provision for participating in Archana.

PARTICIPATE in POOJA (Virtual): To be part of the pooja group please submit the form below.

Respected Sri Padmanabha Acharyaji has blessed an unique oppurtunity to help devotees to perfrom the Festivals/Events virtually through Zoom.

Devotees interested to be part of the upcoming Festivals/Events can enroll online.

Enrollment is a MUST for each participant with different mobile number to be part of the program and enrollment is NOT transferable. Each group is subject to confirmation only upon certain minimum participants enrollment and will close as soon as the maximum capacity is reached or by TWO days prior to the Festivals/Event date.

All devotees are welcome to enroll.

Every enrollment will receive an email confirmation.


Q. Can I enroll for more than one participant with one mobile phone number?
A. No. Only the first enrollment with the mobile number will be considered for pooja.

Q. Is there any payment for enrollment?
A. Participants are requested to pay $21 at the time of enrolment for pooja.

Q. Do I have to enroll for online Archana to be part of the pooja?
A. No. Devotees enrolled for pooja will have the opportunity to witness respected Acharyaji performing archana during pooja.

Q. What are the items needed for pooja?
A. Once enrollment is confirmed every participant will be added to the Whatsapp group for each event to provide all details for the event such as material, pooja items, etc.

Dear Devotees

Appreciate your generous and kind contribution. Kindly consider adding 2.29% of the donation amount to help offset the per transaction processing fee incurred. Example: A transaction fee of $23.08 is deducted from a donation of $1008.

|| Jai Sri Ram ||